What is SEO in digital marketing?

What is SEO in digital marketing?

What is SEO in digital marketing?

SEO means Search Engine Optimization and is the process used to optimize a website’s technical configuration, content relevance, and link popularity so its pages can become easily findable, more relevant, and popular towards user search queries, and as a consequence, search engines rank them better.

SEO in digital marketing is a strategy that focuses on your website’s presence in the search results. It involves various techniques to help you improve your rankings.

Introduction to SEO in Digital Marketing

SEO is part of digital marketing, and it’s actually a set of tools and best practices that help websites reach higher search engine rankings. The goal of SEO is to increase the number of organic visits from search engines because organic traffic is a key source of visitors and potential customers. SEO strategy focuses on getting the page on selected keywords and phrases at the highest search position possible.

In a nutshell, SEO refers to the process of making a website more visible on a search engine’s results page, a great SEO strategy will put a company’s website at the top of the list on a Google search page, therefore increasing the likelihood that people will visit the site.

What are the types of SEO?

Being a digital marketer have come to know there are many types of SEO strategies and many have labeled them in different numbers however there are three major approaches with many characteristics, knowing how to get your Brand/company website found by a search engine is a core skill, and understanding how SEO is evolving will keep you on top of the game, while SEO changes frequently in different ways its key principles don’t changes.

Having cleared up the approaches to search engine optimization, we can now go through the different types of SEO.


  • On-page SEO (on-site SEO) ….is the process of ensuring that content on your website is relevant and giving solutions to search queries, this takes place directly on your site, it includes using the right keywords within your contents and can be done through a content management system (CMS). Some familiar example of content management systems includes 1. WordPress, 2. Wix, 3. Drupal, 4. Joomla, 5. Shopify, 6. Expression engine and Magento.

This process involves keywords research and using keywords in high quality on WebPages on your website

Few elements that can be optimized with on-page SEO includes:

  1. Urls
  2. Title tags
  3. Header tags
  4. Keywords
  5. Meta descriptions
  • Off-page SEO (off-site SEO) …Is the optimization that takes place outside of your website also referred as external optimization, this process can involve building backlinks from other website this approach of earning backlinks from external sites informs search engines of your site value and high quality which increases your website authority, it can help boost your rankings by creating a site with valuable content that people and websites link back to.

This process helps to strengthen the relationship your website has with other websites.

Few elements that can optimize off-page SEO includes:


  1. Guest blogging
  2. Connecting/Citing influencers in your content
  3. Infographics that can be widely shared.
  4. Sharing content on social media
  • Technical SEO. …Refers to optimization that makes your website easy for search engine crawlers like Google and other search engine to properly index and recognize all different aspects on your website and to improve the readability and overall user experience of your content and website.

Technical Optimization majorly are activities on your site that are designed to improve SEO but are not related to content, Its often refer to behind the scenes behavior of your Website.

Activities that can optimize your Technical SEO include:

  1. Page load speed
  2. Mobile-friendliness
  3. Structured data
  4. Indexing
  5. Crawlability
  6. Site Architecture and security

Local SEO. We can’t discuss SEO and Digital marketing without inclusion of Local SEO, this has become important because every other optimization done will become less relevant with Local seo, Local SEO is refer to the practice of optimizing your website to increase traffic, leads, and brand awareness for local search, Research has proven that 86% of consumers rely mostly on the internet to find local businesses.

Great SEO leverages will put you ahead of your competitors and make users choose you, Local SEO applies powerful data analytics and keyword research to attract suitable local traffic to your business’s website, thereby supercharging its sales potential.

Common activities that can optimize Local SEO include:

  1. Local keywords
  2. Optimize your Google my business profile (GMB)
  3. Building accurate NAP citation
  4. Managing a good review and so more.

Differences in SEO and Digital Marketing

The main difference between Digital Marketing and SEO is that Digital Marketing refers to making use of videos, ads, posts, or social media to increase outreach whereas SEO involves bringing up the website or page and for it to rank higher upon searching. Digital marketing is a huge term that encompasses a lot of activities.

In Nutshell you can’t separate the both from each other, Just as SEO is crucial so is the other because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers.

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