
My name is Oshapi Bernard. Digital marketing expert.

Have you ever thought about why your brand or services are not getting any light? Well, digital marketing is a solution that helps you to grow among the audience just by posting your services on social media.

As Featured In:

I have been more than 10 years in Digital marketing industries, and I have helped many Brands, Including 9 renown companies and several individuals.

About Me

OSHAPI Bernard, A Freelance Marketing and Digital Marketing Coordinator, working with clients from around the world. My expertise in the marketing industry spans back to my years in Real Estate. I currently work with small and medium-sized businesses as well as partnering with agencies and freelancers.

Bringing my years of experience, I will deliver cost-effective solutions on time and budget. In a world where your brand has mere seconds to make an impact, bland won’t cut it. I craft compelling ideas that engage emotions and drive results. Let’s make your BRAND UNFORGETTABLE.

Years of Experience

Projects & Counting

My Experience

Great work experiences require great people, @AI Services, I render a friendly team approach and genuinely enjoy creating effective digital marketing solutions,

Wіth mаnу уеаrѕ of еxреrіеnсе аnd a dаtа-drіvеn approach in dеlіvеring lasting аnd соnѕіѕtеnt results, team-player, Collaboration, and Trust has always been my hallmark.

Whether you need help developing your brand identity, optimizing your digital strategy, creating seamless user experiences, or scaling your digital Marketing solutions, I have the skills and knowledge to deliver outstanding outcomes.

Sometimes, you just need an outside perspective to help you plan and prioritize your digital future. Each project requires a unique approach, but I will always be direct, rigorous, and motivated to create long-term value.



Real Estate firm and development company



AI Digital Services


Social Madia Coordinator

FinTech Company


Managing Partner

 B. August International Limited


Real Estate

MD/CEO, Akhatsegbe integrated services limited

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An amazing freelance agent that tells you each and everything about digital marketing.
G. Oliver
I greatly recommend this services as everything is explained so nicely in an amazing manner.
E. Stone
Just have no words to say. It was so good with regular commincations and just voila, great team player to work with.
N. Moore
It was a nice, knowledgeable course. The quizzes and assignment even helped to boarding my learning.
L. Enrique

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Digital Marketing Solutions

How to Starting a Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is the process of creating, managing, and executing a marketing plan that uses electronic channels to reach and engage customers

Strategy in Digital Marketing

is a plan for establishing an internet presence through online channels such as organic search, social media, paid ads, and other web-based mediums such as your website

SEO in Digital Marketing

SEO means Search Engine Optimization and is the process used to optimize a website’s technical configuration, content relevance, and link popularity so its pages can become easily findable